Environment and Sustainability
Sustainable supplies of timber

Sustainable supplies of timber
Reassurance to Our Customer
We offer reassurance to customers that the company is actively selecting suppliers that can provide legal and progressively sustainable supplies of timber.
Replanting forested areas
Environmental Benefits of Timber
As a natural, sustainable raw material, timber has huge environmental benefits when managed efficiently. In many forested areas of the world replanting far exceeds harvesting, and timber is seen as a crop which needs to be preserved and protected for many future generations.

Our commitment to the environment
Well Managed Forests
Strachan Furniture Makers Ltd, are committed to sourcing, promoting and supplying timber and wood products from well-managed forests and legally approved sources. Currently, there is not enough certified timber to supply the worlds demands. However, every year there is more available, as increasing numbers of countries, governments and forest owners all over the world recognise the need for sustainable and legally sourced wood.
Sustainable Forests
What is PEFC?
PEFC is an independent, non-profit, non governmental organisation, founded in 1999, which promotes managed sustainable forests through independent third party certification.